The conceptual urban/landscape design of The Aberdeen Transit Plaza, 由AG平台开发, bridges the space between the station and Aberdeen Mall to create a destination meeting space along Richmond’s preeminent retail corridor.
阿伯丁站 is located within the designated ‘International’ District, intended to capitalize on the growing cosmopolitan flavour of downtown Richmond. It is hoped that this district will develop as a high-energy retail precinct. Aberdeen Transit Plaza will benefit from joint development with the expansion plans for Aberdeen Mall, and will potentially feature a ‘Times Square-like’ atmosphere, 以大, outdoor monitors sheltered by an overhead building covering a portion of the transit guideway.
Restoring an important corridor impacted by the Canada Line.
IBI Group is the prime consultant for the Preliminary Design of a 3km stretch of the No.3 Road corridor that is impacted by the Canada Line’s elevated rapid transit guideway. 这项工作由我们的城市居民并行完成 & streetscape design and engineering teams in the observation that a coordinated team effort is required to satisfy both aesthetic and technical requirements.
IBI Group is responsible for coordinating physical survey, 巷道对齐, 巷道/行人照明, 初步景观设计, 加拿大线车站广场设计, municipal utility relocation and external agency utility relocation. Key elements of the design include at-grade separated bicycle lanes, 高架交叉口, 缩小现有车道和转角半径, 林荫道与中间树木统一种植, 集成照明系统, and servicing to allow for future programming opportunities under the guideway, 包括里士满夜市.